Sunday, October 11, 2009

We Are All Carnies

This weekend our good friend Lisa celebrated a big birthday, so we had a weekend full of festivities. We started with a girl's night on Friday, where we also celebrated De's birthday at Cuchi Cuchi. And then Saturday Colucci put on quite an event - he threw Lisa a surprise carnival! It was absolutely perfect and Lisa loved it. He rented a huge moon bounce, a basketball game, and skee ball. I warmed up on the basketball.

And after I tried out the moon bounce, it was hard to do anything else. This was so fun! You just can't help but laugh hysterically while you're jumping around in there.

General Reuter arrived to give us motorcycle rides.

Not really. None of us are crazy enough to get on a bike with him.

The whole theme of the event was to remind Lisa that she is still a kid at heart - so many of her presents were based around that theme. She just loved her Easy Bake Oven.

Adam and Cappy tried out the basketball.

And then we moved on to the carnival food. Lisa loves fried dough, so I took on the challenge of figuring out how to make it. I made a big batch of yeast dough from a donut recipe, and fried pieces of it in a big pot of peanut oil.

Covered in powdered sugar, these were amazing. They were actually quite light and soft on the inside with a thin, crisp outside.

And Colucci rented a cotton candy machine, which everyone loved!

And of course after all this junk food we went back in the bouncy house and made ourselves sick.

Isn't that what carnivals are all about? The fun continued into the wee hours of morning and involved much debauchery which, luckily, I did not document. But a very fun time was had by all and it was a perfect celebration for our lovely Lisa.

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